
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Apple Souffle Omelette

I was given a book on Desserts on my birthday by cousin Soo and finally, I got around to try this recipe from the book. Been browsing the book for days and finally I chose this recipe. I do not know how but somehow, I kept thinking the recipe needed bananas so I bought bananas instead. Imagine my tremendous shock when my eyes zoom on the word 'apple" and not bananas. Well, thank God I had some red apples in my fridge but I personally think green apples would be a better choice. I cut down on the cream and sugar and increased the apples instead. The result : overspilling of the apple filling. At one point, I was afraid the omellete will fail but in as it turned out, all's well that ends well.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wild Mushroom Soup

When I first tasted the mushroom soup at Delicious, I told myself I'm gonna benchmark this mushroom soup from now on. Since then, I have been on the hunt for the next best mushroom soup which will cost me less than the one in Delicious. Coincidentally when I was in Singapore last Christmas, my sis in law whipped out the soup. It was then I silently promised myself that I'll cook it one day too. What held me back till today was it's just an starter and not a main meal. Just by thinking of all the hassel and trouble I'll go through to cook the mushroom soup and for 2 person only kinda put me off. Finally 2 days ago, I could no longer bear it. I was in Jaya Grocers , saw the fresh mushroom and just couldn't resist buying them and bought them I did. I gotta thank my sis in law for sharing the recipe with me which she got from allrecipes. Soup tasted good but lacking in woody note. I should've bought the gigantic mushroom which according to my sis in law, will give me a stronger woody taste. Additionally, I think butter and onion should be lessen to give priority to the mushroom aroma. I made sandwich again to go with the soup. Hubby loved the soup and had had second helping :D

Monday, June 7, 2010

Penne in Olive oil with Mushroom, Zucchini and red Peppercorn

This is my first attempt and a creation of my own based on the dish I ordered from the restaurant New York New York located in 1 Utama Shopping Complex. It may seem rather bland to some but for me, I kinda savor the original mushroom taste saute with heaps of garlic in olive oil. I just love the mushroom smell wafting through the kitchen but it was briefly replaced with the stinking smell of excrement came from my backlane. Anyway, that was the dinner for tonight. I wish I didn't have to throw another packet of my portobello mushroom, otherwise I'm sure it will be even tastier. Peppercorn didn't exactly go well in this dish because the original dish I ate contained eggplant instead. Since I failed to get any eggplant, I thought red peppercorn will be a nice replacement as it adds to the color. I'm now musing what to cook for my next meal.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Garlic Pork Ham Slice Sandwich

Hubby and I both love munching healthy sandwiches from the notable O'Briens, Subway and some other nameless sandwich outlet which deliver equally satisfying taste. However, nothing beats preparing one yourself with your preferred type of bread and ingredients. During lunch hour, I popped over to Jaya Grocery to buy some medium cut slices of garlic pork ham , a loaf of healthy soya bread and a box of alfalfa. That was the dinner for last night and my lunch a while ago. I slab some mayo on the bread, top it up with the ham, followed by alfalfa, then many pieces of lettuce, top it up with slices of tomatoes and cucumber, more mayo and chili sauce, some alfalfa again and lastly another 2 slices of ham before I close it up with the bread. The outcome was a very 'tall' sandwhich which my mouth could hardly open up to its size. And when you bite into it, the dressing and chili sauce just oozes out. Superb. It tasted just marvellicious (marvellous + delicious) and I can't wait to do it again tonight but this time, it will be with the black pepper ham instead.