
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Vegetarian Fried Noodle

They were telling me that if you continuously abstain from meat, after a certain period, you'll lose all your cravings for meat. On the contrary, I find my cravings fuelling up with each passing day. For those days that I had to break my vegan out of no choice, I made sure I ate my fill of meat. But each breaking of my vegan fast means I need to replace it back. If nothing unforseen takes place, my vegan day will end on 25 Nov. Gosh!! I can't wait!

This again is another noodle dish. Umm... yea.. I'm a noodle person. Seriously... I can't remember what sauce I used to fry this noodle. It must be a mixture of chili powder, sweet dark sauce, vegetarian oyster sauce, mushroom powder, a little chilli sauce, some water, soy sauce and dark soy sauce. I know.. I know.. sounds like 'rojak' but believe me,  it's more than edible. It was not that flavorful at first so I thought I might add in a little chili sauce to make it taste slightly like mee goreng. It's nothing to brag about but it's the best I can do with yet another meatless dish. Hubby gave me a tiny thumb up for support :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Big Bad Wolf is back for the 4th Time !!

Yo, book lovers out there. The Big Bad Wolf is back and it's even bigger than previous year. I was lucky to have won the preview pass and then 2 days later, even luckier to have won a 5 min shopping spree 'powered' by OCBC. My heartfelt thanks to OCBC for randomly selecting me, to BBW for organizing and making the BBW possible this year (otherwise there won't be such a contest going on) and lastly I thank God for blessing me with abundance luck to have been chosen as one of the 10 winners. The last of the 10 actually.

As with last year, the books were priced at a crazily low, mind blowing and unbelievable price. Now I know why they have chosen MAEPS to hold the bookfair. The place is huge, filled with books and all sorts of books. My colleague tagged along with me under my preview pass and she was so engrossed with her frenzied shopping till I had to drag her off at 4.30pm. We practically browsed the books for a good 5 hours, with no food and no drink. No wonder I was suffering a massive headache at the end of it.

See the books in the bag? Well.. I grabbed these in 5 minutes and... they are all free. Yes, FREE.. all of 'em. Yahooo!!

And here's a better look of my loot. My freebies, whatever you call it.

It's really worthwhile to make a trip there.  Since Christmas is just round the corner, they'll make fine Christmas presents. Shoo .. go there now before it ends. BBW starts from 7th - 16th Oct.

Just go the below pix from my colleague who snapped a photo of me with my winnings :D
Thanks, Chia Ling.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mango Mousse Cake

I've been busy and I've been a wee bit lazy of late too.  It's shocking though to note that my blog somehow came to a complete standstill but I'll try to keep it up and going. Isn't blogging something I professed that I love doing?

Hubby's laptop finally gave way and we waited for about a fortnight before deciding to get a new one. Then I had to wait for him to program it and when he finally did, to my utmost dismay I found out the photoshop was not in it. Sigh.. so each time when I need to resize/edit my picture, I need to go upstairs to use my deskstop and the internet speed is killing me.

So much for the excuses for not blogging for weeks :)  I actually baked this cake months ago but never got around to post it.  I love the mousse, love the soft  mushy texture and love mangoes. The only drawback was.... there were no real mangoes in the mousse :D I used the mango purree bought from the baking shop and top it up with some strawberries and real mangoes . I must find time to do it again.