
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Apple Crumble

Lately I was craving for Apple Crumble and finally I baked not 1 but 3 today. As usual, I made the dough and filling a day earlier. It is not a tedious job for this recipe but still, I spent at least an hour just to peel the apple, core it, chop it and then cook it in the pot. The hard work was accomplished yesterday and so this morning, I reaped my rewards. Got up in the morning, rolled the dough out, stuffed in the apple filling ,topped it with the cumble and off to the oven it went. By 8.35am, the pie was done, just in time to have it for breakfast. I gave a pan to my colleagues to share, gave another pan to my cousin and reserved the last pan for myself and hubby. It would be great to eat it with vanilla ice crean and that's was what some of us did. The office pan was wiped clean in the morning itself while my own was gone by 8pm.

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