
Friday, July 30, 2010

Caesar Salad with Bacon crisp & croutons

The romaine lettuce has been in my fridge for the past 5 days. I deduce that I have to make it for dinner tonight, otherwise its final destination will be the garbage bin instead of mine and hubby's stomach. I've tried all sorts of caesar dressing brand before but Lady's Choice remains as my favorite. One thing about my way of caesar salad is that bacon is definitely an inevitable ingredient. The salad will not taste nice without the bacon crisp which I prefer to fry it to crisp or near crisp. As for the croutons, I usually opt for Pepperidge Farm brand which comes in several different variants and bigger cut. My favorite variant will be either the garlic or the italian herbs. While washing the romaine lettuce, I heated the pan up to fry the bacon which hardly needs any attending. By the time bacon was done, so was the washing. The remaining part was easy : pour in the dressing, throw in the bacon, stir them evenly on the lettuce and lastly, top it up with croutons. Dinner's ready.