
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lemon Drizzle Cake

I was back in Singapore in end Aug, just a month after attending Jay Chou's concert in July. The concert was totally unplanned but the trip in Aug was well planned with air tickets bought at an incredibly cheap price. I am no longer the young girl I used to be, who had had the energy and vitality to take the MRT trains down to Orchard Road to do window shopping and checked out every single stores with huge signs of SALE on it. For the past 6 years, my itinerary in Singapore was pretty simple : read my novel, play with my nieces, surf the web, do some minor shopping around the HDB neighboourhood and finally, baking for the kids and adults. So this time is like any other time. Armed with Fern's lemon cake recipe, I started baking early Saturday morning. The lemon skin was grated a day before while flour and sugar was weighed before hand. Sensing I need a little help to speed things up, Kakak helped me to wash and clean while I squeezed every drop of lemon juice I could get out from the fruit.
The lemon juice was poured on top of the cake the moment it was taken out from the oven. I tend to fancy sourish taste and so, I reduced the sugar tremendously. That morning, I baked 1 big square pan and 2 smaller pans as shown above. The big pan was of course, for us to devour while the 2 smaller pans were specially baked for some of my lovely colleagues in Singapore office. I just hope they enjoy it as much as I did.

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