
Friday, October 29, 2010

Book Lovers aka Bookworms.

I must absolutely write about this. I've been an avid reader at a tender age of 10 and for that, I should really thank cousin Fern because she inadvertently, unknowingly, sowed seeds of passion of reading in me. Back in those days, English fictional storybooks were hard to come by in our small town, Batu Pahat. I may have lost a lot of my childhood memories but I can remember vividly how I walked, cycled or took a free ride to cousin Fern's house to read her newly bought storybooks (and later on novels) which she got from Singapore. I remember too the good old days when her mom would make dainty little tea cakes or pastry and served with sweet orange juice and brought all these foodstuff to the air conditioned room where both Fern and I were sprawling on the bed, immersed in the world of fiction. Those were the good old days which remains as a fond memory till today.

What I wanna share here is that I've finally found a place that sells novels at an unbelievable price. A paperback novel would normally cost between RM32.90 to RM34.90. However, I can get certain selection for as low as RM17.90! I flipped through all the books and realized they were just the same as those sold in MPH or Borders. The place I'm talking here is Bookxcess located in Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya. They have recently moved to a bigger store but it is still located in Amcorp Mall itself. You may not get all the titles you want but they normally carry bestsellers in the likes of  John Grisham, Sidney Sheldonw, J.K Rowling, Stephanie Meyer etc. I could've clout my own head when I came across the Twilight saga at only RM17.90 each which I bought at RM49.90 in MPH !!! Darn !

Eversince I found this place, I no longer buy from Borders or MPH or Kinokuniya unless I couldn't find the book I want in Bookxcess. And if I can't even find the books I want in the above 3 mentioned giant bookstores, I'll resort to buying online from Acmamall. offers an excellent and a very comprehensive plus user friendly website to check on books but sadly the shipping fees from US to Malaysia is a hefty sum. So what I normally do is to check on the reviews written in Amazon before I proceed to buy from Oh by the way, you can even purchase 2nd hand books from Borders Market Place which I did before. Of course shipping fees were exorbitant but if you die die must have the book, then you must have the book. Just insert your credit card number, click yes. Thereafter, don't even think of this purchase anymore and you won't feel the pinch afterwards. Recently, I've made an online purchase from Kinokuniya Bookstore which is located in KLCC via this website This bookstore offers a wide range of titles (better than MPH in my opinion) and if you are interested to buy but the long journey to KLCC puts you off, you can always opt to buy online. It cost only RM8 per shipment. So, it'll be wiser if you were to consolidate a few titles and purchase it online as one shipment. That way, you can split the shipping cost over several books.

I can be very generous when it comes to books but if you were to ask my hubby, he'll probably say I'm in fact, very generous in a lot of things such as clothes, bags, shoes, skincare , hair care etc. Anyway, book is a wonderful companion to me and has been one for the longest time possible. I don't really care if I spend on books because afterall, it's a reading material.


  1. Hi Rachel, what you need is an iPad, you will get lot's of free and good quality books. Not for me at the moment as I am more into Chinese books. Hope Chong won't kill me for suggesting that. Jiun.

  2. how to get free and good quality books with an iPad? Sorry.. me not so advance la. Well, Chong said he won't kill you if you buy one for us..hahaha....

  3. hey, try - cheap books and free delivery!

  4. oh wait.. i'm not so sure if it's actually cheap for u.. i'm thinking in AUD..

  5. And thanks for sharing those Enid Blyton's books when we were kids!

  6. Believe it or not, I still enjoy Enid Blyton's books and I still have some of them in my mini library :)

  7. eelin, if it's in AUD, then it won't be cheap for me but I'll check it out anyway. Thanks !

  8. not too sure. I saw my colleague using it. Actually he uses kindle and not iPad. He always said he got this and that books free for download, some may be just for one day. He downloaded plenty of them. It includes those best sellers and good quality books. Sounds very attractive, and the display is very nice too. I start to have book worms in my cupboards, making me more hesitate to buy books now. You have any ideas how to keep the book worms away?

  9. What kind of worms? I have this pest control service every 2 months and I suppose they keep the worms off. I still prefer to have a book to hold with me and to bring along. I could even read and reread certain novels for more than 5 times, provided the storyline is good, of course.
