
Monday, November 8, 2010

Fried Beehoon with Hot Flushed Taste

That day, I was feeling slightly peeved off in office and coupled with the mountain high papers on my desk which never seem to get any lower, I decided to call it a day when the clock struck 5.30pm. Upon reaching home, I ransacked my fridge and to my delight, I found 2 carrots and 1 mid size zucchini. This is enough to start frying a real quick hassle free beehoon, I fried half a packet of beehoon just for the 2 of us so that we could eat it the following day and perhaps for another day again.
The ingredients and frying method is so easy that anyone can whip it up in a jiffy.

Ingredients :
Garlic (chopped)
Big & small onions (slices)
Soy sauce
Mushroom powder / Chicken powder
Chilli flakes
Carrots (shreded)
Pinch of salt
A little black soy sauce
Dried herbs (I happened to have mixture of dried spring onions)
Corriander (for garnishing)
Beehoon (soaked till soft)

I could sum up the frying method in just a few sentences : Heat up oil, saute the garlic and onions, add in carrots and zucchini. When vege is almost soft, add in the beehoon , stir for a while then sprinkle in the powder, dried herbs and sauces (soy). Add water when necesssary. Lastly, sprinkle in some chilli powder and garnish with corriander.

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