
Saturday, December 25, 2010

X'mas Eve Dinner : Seared Sirlion Steak with Asparagus

It's really a blessing to work for an EU company because again they declared a day off for us on christmas eve. Hubby upon knowing this, applied for a day off too. We started our day without having any plans in mind but we know ultimately, we'll have a western homecooked dinner on x'mas eve.  We got what we were looking for in Cold Storage : a sirloin steak unmarinated because it was cheaper than marinated and a bunch cheap asparagus. Never in my life have I bought asparagus before because of  it's exorbitant price.

I was in charge of getting the greens ready while hubby offered to make a blackpepper sauce from scratch and get the steak done. It's a good thing I have this grill pan and hubby was able to sear the steak. As for the asparagus, I blanched it with hot water and later submerged it in cold water. In a pan, I melted a little butter together with a little olive oil, sauteed the garlic and threw in the asparagus and sprinkled a pinch of salt. It tasted awesome. And our quick fix dinner was completed with some steamed baby carrots, fresh vegetables and some cherry round tomatoes. I hope everyone has a lovely dinner on X'mas eve. Merry Christmas !

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