
Friday, January 14, 2011

My 1st Swiss Roll - Green Tea

It has occured to me for the longest time possible that I could make my own swiss roll so that I can spread as much cream as I desired before rolling the cake up. After seeing cousin Fern's swiss rolls a few months back, it further fuelled my intention to bake one. Well that didnt' really happen until I chanced upon a recipe found in christinesrecipe website. I will always study through all the recipes I browse, weighing on the chances of my success to get the results I want,  the ingredients must be easy to obtain & relatively affordable but most important of all, the recipe must not be too time consuming. The Green Tea Swiss Roll I found fits the bill.

I baked it on Monday, the same day I had my 3rd attempt on the Hong Kong Sweet Bun. Since I need to wait up for my dough to proof, I started preparing all the ingredients to bake the swiss roll. When the sponge cake was done and on its way to cooling on the rack, I started to beat the whipping cream for the spread. To my utmost dismay, the cream failed to become stiff for spread but instead, it was lumpy and watery. It was already past midnight and I fervently look for my cousin online. He was online alright and told me I had used the wrong whipping cream. To salvage my already baked sponge cake, I rolled it up and chilled it in the fridge overnight. The only good thing that came out of this was I had a chance to practice the rolling before the spread.The next day, I got the correct whipping cream and rushed home to beat it for the spread. Well, when I got home, I knew I won't be satisfied if I spread on an overnight sponge cake roll. I just had to bake a new one. That's me. Yes, I baked a new one all over again and threw away the cake I made the night before.

The results?? Oh... it was outstanding! I made the rightest decision because this time, I didn't overbeat the egg whites and was able to fold in with the flour mixture easily. The sponge cake turned out to be very soft. I was more than satisfied with the texture. What disappoint me were the pictures. Those taken later on with a different lens went missing mysteriously. By the time I realize it, I've eaten the last bite of the roll and couldn't re-take anymore :(

Prepare one 31.5cmx23cm baking tray ( I used the pan that came with my Fagor oven)

6 egg whites
9 egg yolks
100 + 60 gm caster sugar
90 gm plain flour
25 gm corn flour
50 ml olive oil (or vegetable oil)
3 Tbsp hot water
2 Tbsp green tea powder

Ingredients of filling:
1/2 cup whipping cream
4 tsp caster sugar

1. Preheat oven to 220C (428F). Line a baking paper/parchment paper on a greased baking pan. Stir in green tea powder into hot water and mix thoroughly. Mix plain flour and corn flour.

2. Whisk the egg yolks with 100gm sugar until smooth, creamy but not bubbly. Stir in tea powder mixture and combine well.

3. Whisk egg whites for a while until bubbles form. Mix in 60gm sugar with small amount at a time for 3 times, beat until stiff peaks form.

4. Fold in egg whites to egg yolks mixture, 1/3 portion at a time.

5. Sift in the plain flour and corn flour to the mixture. Then quickly add in oil.

6. Pour the batter in the lined baking tray and level it. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown.

7. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack. Let the cake cool down.


  1. That is a lovely swiss roll. May I know what type of green tea powder you used? Can I use the powder that I use to make it as a beverage to drink? Thanks.

  2. Hello Anonymous, thank you for your comment. I actually bought the green tea powder from the bakery shop and it was stated on the bottle that the powder is 'bakable'. I am not too sure if the powder you have which is meant for you to mix with water to drink as a beverage, is suitable.

  3. Rachel!!!! I tried your recipe & I definitely need more practice with my rolling!! Mine doesn't look as nice as urs =(

  4. Go watch how they roll it in Youtube. I watched it countless times before I dare to try out this recipe.

  5. hi my saviour genius girl, i tried 3 different recipe from other website & all failed. I was very disappointed as my mom really loves green tea swiss roll. I have to buy from Bread talk per piece at $1.30 all the time for her. Now she can really enjoy herself! Thanks very much.


  6. Hi Annie, I'm glad to be of help. Remember to watch Youtube on how to roll it before u actually attempt rolling. It helped me. And also be careful when you beat the egg whites. Do not overbeat it otherwise texture will not be as soft. Good luck!
