
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mom's Curry Puffs

The end product : Curry Puffs. Best served with a cup of coffee
  I gotta hand it to my mom. She just loves to spend her entire time in the kitchen, making some delicious food for us to eat. She could just stand there for hours for preparation & cooking but later on, she'll feel the tiredness taking its toll on her. We were all going for dinner in my in law's place and she thought perhaps it might be a good idea to make some curry puffs to bring along. Afterall, there'll be more people to share and that means, her time and energy will be well worth it. So early Sunday morning, I skipped jogging and helped mom to prepare the ingredients.

A sneak peak of the filling
  They turned out beautifully. I especially like the filing mom made. The pastry was crunchy , not too oily but of course, if you leave it for 5 hours later, the pastry will go kinda soft. What we usually do is pop it into an oven toaster and cover the top with a piece of aluminium foil. The skin will turn out crispy again. As usual, mom's recipe is always based on 'estimation' but from what she told me, I reckon it would be something like this recipe from Rasa Malaysia but I made some slight modification, based on how I saw mom preparing it. Enjoy !  
Part of the ingredients to prepare the curry puff


5 tablespoons oil
1 big onions (finely chopped)
8 small onions (finely chopped)
1 large carrot (diced)

2 teaspoons meat or chicken curry powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
200g  of finely diced chicken breast meat
2 large potatoes (boiled and finely diced) 
Potatoes boiled and diced.
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt 
Ready to be mixed with water and butter
500g plain flour
150g  margarine
3/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon of salt 
The yummy puff filling

Make the filling first. Heat oil and fry onion gently until golden brown. Add the curry powder, chili, turmeric and fry gently. Add the chicken, potatoes, sugar, pepper, salt and cook for 5 minutes. Mix well and leave aside to cool.
Frying the curry puffs 4 at a time in the wok

To make pastry, mix flour with margarine, water, salt, and knead well. Let it rest for 1/2 hour. Cut the dough into circles (3 in) in diameter. Fold pastry over to make a half circle and crimp at edges. Deep fry in hot oil until golden.

All nicely wrapped, ready to be fried.

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