
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chocolate Muffin

I was back in Singapore in March to visit my brother's family who came back to Singapore for vacation. The last time I saw Gerald and Leanne (my nephew and niece) was 2 years ago. It is not often I have the opportunity to see them so I thought it's either I fly there to meet up with them or miss the chance and God knows when the chance will knock on my door again. So I flew all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, one month from my last trip there. Got to see mom, dad, John's entirely family too and all was good. I'm happy Leanne remembers me (so she said). Gerald probably had no inkling on who I am, probably regarded me as a stranger that just walks past his life :) Prior to the trip, I was picking on my brains what cake to whip up when I'm there coz a month ago when I was there, I didn't bake anything. Kakak was dissappointed that I didn't bring anything along to bake and I promise her the next trip back, I will. Well, the next trip back proved to be a month later and I was pretty stressed up with work. I didn't want to bake the same recipes I've baked before but instead try out those new ones I've baked in KL but I doubted the kids nor the adults will like my peach upside down cake. Most importantly, I didnt' have the 'heart' or desire to bake coz my work has taken a toll on me. So as not to let anyone down, I hastily drove to the bakery shop to purchase a packet of chocolate muffin mix. With this, I didn't break my promise to Kakak and the kids willl get to eat the cake of chocolate flavor.

I was tempted to modify this muffin premix by melting some chocolate and adding into the cake batter. But like I said before, I just didn't really have the mood to bake this time. In the end, it was just melting butter and mixing in the premix. Yes, as simple as that. It has been a long long time since I bought a premix because that to me wouldn't be called baking. It's already all simplified and you dont' get to enjoy the process of baking at all. However, with a premix, you do not have to worry about failure.

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