
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fried Chicken Wings

We were making Nasi Lemak for dinner the other night and when it comes to nasi lemak, I usually relish the idea of eating it with hot chicken wings. Both hubby and I used to be wing lovers and I'm not kidding about our voracious appetite. We cut back on wings ever since we were told that the most poisonous part of a chicken is the wings. Well, I don't know for sure how true this statement is but I gradually find myself shopping for other chicken parts. Having said that, we can't abstain chicken wings entirely for as long as we live. We'll just have to enjoy this 'forbidden' treat once in a while.  The preparation was fast and easy. The outcome was fabulous. Mom was impressed with my simple marinates.

Wash the wings, drain it thoroughly and marinate/rub the wings with following ingredients :
  • Ginger juice (I grated it )
  • Salt
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
Just before frying it, coat the wings with cornflour.
Ta-daa... done.


  1. I am trying this tonite. But have already added oyster sauce + five spice laa..dunno how it's gonna turn out though.

  2. How did it turn out? Good? Makes me wanna have it too. Just grilled spicy hoi sin chicken drummets 2 nights ago for dinner.
