
Friday, November 25, 2011

Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1

It's finally here. The long awaited Breaking Dawn but unfortunately they're breaking it into 2 parts. These people really know how to cash in the money. It has been so long since I finished the book that I could only recall certain details of the storyline. I am waiting with bated breath on how the producer is gonna film the .. uh.. um.. bed scene between the 2 popular good looking stars, making it 'interesting' enough to capture the attention of the audience and yet at the same time, has to take into consideration that this movie will be watched by teens, young teens, very very young teens and kids. I would've dash to the cinema this weekend if only I'm in town. Yes, I am very tempted to take a day off  to watch during the weekday but I guess I gotta remove this insane idea from my head. In the end,  the movie has to wait till next weekend. I have a pretty good hunch that it will stay in cinema for long. Um... I probably will be watching it alone again as with the past Twilight episodes...  No sweat coz I've the whole popcorn and coke drink to myself :)

Twilight, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart

Monday, November 21, 2011

Salad + tropical fruits = dinner

It's been a long while since we last ate salad. The rain has been wrecking our plans to ride (meaning no calories burn) while our bellies are growing larger with each passing day. So we made a pledge to eat solely fruits and vegetables for dinner for this entire week. The dressing used was mustard grain and I thought it tasted a bit ..... weird. It certainly didnt' taste weird when my neighbour whipped up her fantastic salad with the same dressing, plus some vinegar and crushed garlic. The papaya and rambutans compliment my salad very much by giving a sweet taste to it. Oh.. in case if you're wondering, yea...the 'white flesh' in the remekin is rambutan. I don't eat it straight from the seed but instead, slice the flesh out and eat it with a fork. I thought it's one hell of an enjoyment to eat it this way coz I avoid eating the fine skin that comes off from the seed. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spicy Korean Noodles

I recently purchased this Korean type of metal bowl which has 2 layers of god-knows-what that prevents the bowl from scorching your hands when the bowl is filled with hot soupy food. I was eager to try out and deliberately bought Korean noodles to cook together with puff tofu, shitake mushroom, tomatoes and mustard green. Naturally the small satchet of tastemaker that came with the packet of noodles was not sufficient because I had to add a lot of water to cater for so much ingredients in my noodles. To compensate for the lack of taste, I did what I had to do : added in chili flakes, sweet sauce and a little sprinkle of Maggi Cukup Rasa. Naturally, the Korean spicy noodles didn't exactly came out very 'korean' to me but it did great especially on a cold, windy, rainy night.  And yeah... it was true. The bowl wasn't hot at all on the outer area when I held it. Good buy coz I bought it at 50% off.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Vegetarian Pasta toss in olive oil

I'm seriously running out of food selection. Food that is meatless, to be precise. Here's another quick fix for my vegetarian dinner. It's another pasta tossed in olive oil with my favorite zucchini and swiss brown mushroom. Yea... it's yummy but I really really really wish I have some chewy meat to chew in my mouth. I miss the anchovies. I miss my satay. I miss Nando's chicken. I miss Burger King !!!!!