
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Spicy Korean Noodles

I recently purchased this Korean type of metal bowl which has 2 layers of god-knows-what that prevents the bowl from scorching your hands when the bowl is filled with hot soupy food. I was eager to try out and deliberately bought Korean noodles to cook together with puff tofu, shitake mushroom, tomatoes and mustard green. Naturally the small satchet of tastemaker that came with the packet of noodles was not sufficient because I had to add a lot of water to cater for so much ingredients in my noodles. To compensate for the lack of taste, I did what I had to do : added in chili flakes, sweet sauce and a little sprinkle of Maggi Cukup Rasa. Naturally, the Korean spicy noodles didn't exactly came out very 'korean' to me but it did great especially on a cold, windy, rainy night.  And yeah... it was true. The bowl wasn't hot at all on the outer area when I held it. Good buy coz I bought it at 50% off.

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