
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Apple Strudel Buns

My lovely Apple Strudel Bun.
I know... I.. know... it's appalling to note that my last post was in April but that doesn't mean I haven't been baking or whipping up some nice dishes for my lunch or dinner. Some new recipes were tried out but didn't get to post it while most of the time, I will repeat the recipes which I've already posted here.
Look!! Dough has doubled its size ! Yippie

Tuna filling buns for hubby

Last Sat, I finally went back to Tomoko for another baking lessons and this time, I've selected a bread class. Again, I was happy with the outcome of what I made there and of course, cum the things that I've learnt from her. Her Apple Strudel Buns tasted so good that I had to bake it soon and it was so super soon that it was yesterday I found myself baking it.  Came home straight from work and started working on the bread making. I doubled the recipe and all in all, it took 3 hours to complete (plus the washing, cleaning, proofing of dough, making a simple dinner for myself etc).Since I doubled the recipe, I decided to use half of it for my tuna corn mayo filling because hubby only likes savory food.
Rolled it out and arranged the the apples, raisin, butter and sugar.

I used my cinnamon sparingly because I didn't want to overdo with it, didn't over mix the butter with brown sugar because I want the heat to caramelize the sugar ,  arranged the finished dough in a round tin for the apple strudel filling and after the egg wash, sprinkled them with some chopped walnuts instead of almond flakes. Bread came out beautifully and oh..oohh.. it tasted so soooo heavenly! It was so soft, precisely the way I like it.
These are filled with tuna mayo corn

Just before egg wash
As for the tuna mayo filling, it was great as well. The only setback was, it could do with more of tuna filling and more of mayonnaise.
See the texture of the bread when I tear it off?:D

A tad too dark because I was busy frying my vege and forgot to check the heat
The bread remained soft until I ate it for tea break just now. I simply love this bread, thus didn't share much with my colleague but for those who got to eat it, they said it's one of the best so far.
I would love to share this recipe in this blog of mine like the other recipes. However, I cannot share recipes that I paid for here because these people are making a living with the classes. It wouldn't be right to share them here for free. However, if you are ever interested in one of Tomoko's class, please click here. Her cute dainty little baking outlet is called Caramel Factory. (Btw, I don't have a share in this place and I don't earn a cent, ok!)
I am gonna bake this again next week. Just you wait and see! :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Kimchi Stirfry chicken with cabbage

 Hey, I'm back, I know I've been neglecting my blog but life has been kinda hectic of late.

This was inspired after several trips to the Korean restaurant called Dubu Dubu located in Sunway Pyramid. The price was reasonable considering the ambience and location. I told myself I must try out this dish someday soon and that day finally came. The key ingredient is this Korean chili bean paste.

I didn't do any goggle research on this recipe prior to trying out because like I said, as long as I have the key ingredient, the taste is not gonna run far. I have however added a few 'concoction' of mine to make this recipe as close as possible to the one I ate in Dubu Dubu.

Here are the additional seasoning and ingredients that I've added :
Sesame oil 
Sweet soy sauce 
Dark soy sauce 
Dash of salt 
Chili Flakes 
Green capsicum 
Cabbage (a must have) 
Korean chili bean paste (a must have) 
Cherry tomatoes 
Garlic and big onions
Dice chicken (of course)
I made this for lunch today after my gym class and it's a pity that hubby wasn't around to savor it. The dish came out pretty well suited to my tastebud but of course it wasn't as spectacular as the one I ate in Dubu Dubu. Gonna make this again for dinner tomorrow. Errr...notice my lovely bento box? I deliberately asked cousin Soo to get it for me from Japan just for the sake of photo taking for my blog :D  Thanks couz for the bento! I love it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

FUJIFILM X-E2: My Review

It has been ages since my last blogging about photography but this new babe I acquired recently is worth to blog about it. The search of a perfect travel camera might just end here… The FUJIFILM X-E2. I always have a craze over digital camera with retro touch. This is how I get hooked into micro four third by OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5. However, the image quality of micro four third system is close but not as good as my trustworthy NIKON D300s due to the smaller image sensor. I have tried FUJIFILM X-E1 more than two years ago in an exhibition and the auto focusing really puts me off : it struggled to hunt in low light and bright condition and took a real long time to focus.

Fast forward to the present, the launched of the new FUJIFILM X-E2 with the new X-Trans Image sensor and second generation of image processor EXR Processor II promises a faster focusing speed, better image quality and a whopping 60 plus changes from its predecessor. It’s impressive right?


16MP X-Trans CMOS II Sensor (APS-C)
ISO 200-6400 expanded 100-25600
EXR Processor II
Lens Modulation Optimizer
2.36M Dot OLED EVF
3” 1.04M Dot LCD (Fixed & Non Touch Screen)
Top Analogue Shutter Speed and Exposure Compensation Dial
Digital Spilt Image & Peak Focusing for Manual Focus
Built-in WIFI for image transfer

And more… I’m just naming a few interesting or important features. You can find out more from FUJIFILM website.

Oh boy! Once I grab and hold the camera, it feels so right with my small palm and short fingers. The 18mm-55mm F2.8-4 kit lens matches the body not like the smaller OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5 pair with the awful looking long slim 12-50mm F3.5-6.3 kit lens.  I have to specifically mentioned here the kit lens come with XE-2 is one hell of a fantastic kit lens I’ve ever own before. The build quality of this kit lens is excellent; the image produce is sharp and with F2.8-4.0 aperture setting it is bokehlicious!

This is my first FUJILM X-Series camera but I have no problem with the operation and handling. The setup and shooting menu is simple and easy to operate and just it just took me few hours to familiarize. Although the M,A,S and P mode at the beginning will be a bit confusing cause not like DSLR with dedicate mode dial to set but X-E2 with button at the lens and shutter speed dial to set, you will be fine after understand the setting combination.

The size is perfect for me, much smaller than my NIKON D300s and slightly bigger than my OLYMPUS OM-D E-M5. This size is ideal for my travelling while extra luggage space is always come with a price. The FUJIFILM X-E2 scored a distinction by saving spaces of your luggage but does not sacrifice the quality of image at all. This is why I mentioned earlier that the search for my perfect travel camera is over.


During my teens, I occasionally get to shoot photos with an analogue FUJIFILM camera owned by my elder brother. The color and tonal quality produce by the Fuji Film was so vibrant, realistic and nice that I can never forget till today. The Film Simulation featured in FUJIFILM X-Series camera promise to reproduce such color and tonal quality image and I would say they did a real fine job. So, for us the PREVIA, ASTIA and VELVIA lovers, how can you resist the temptation to own a FUJIFILM X-Series camera?

 Having written so many good things about X-E2, needless to say, there are also some shortcoming of the camera or rather the system. There are not much choices for lens, about 10 available thus far and no third party lens except 2 from Carl Zeiss and the price is exorbitant! The focusing speed is fast but could be faster and with a touch screen control will make it even better.

 So if you are a traveler, a retro style camera lover who likes the color and tonal quality images of FUJIFILM, dislike big and bulky DSLR but demands good image quality, this FUJIFILM X-E2 might be the camera you are looking for and those who has a bigger budget can consider the newly launched FUJIFILM X-T1. Happy shooting!
FUJIFILM X-E2 18-55mm F18 1/750s, ISO 200, WB Auto

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rice Wine Chicken & Sambal ikan bilis

These 2 recipes may sound odd to be put together but rest assured, they're a dish of its own and....I cooked both tonight without the rice. What's more, we didn't actually have them for dinner while the portion was fit for 4 - 5 pax. about peculiarity.

Mom has left some chicken fillet and ginger in my fridge and if I don't cook it soooner before she comes over next week, my ears may just suffer a little nagging (again)  :) There's this rice wine my mom in law made and when you put all of these ingredients together, you'll get Rice Wine Chicken.

Ingredients for Rice Wine Chicken
Chopped garlic
Shreded ginger (lots)
Chicken meat
Fungus (shred preferred)
Rice Wine (homemade)
Rock sugar cane (tiny lump)
A pinch of salt

Hubby was on a strict diet but he couldn't help peeking into my pot and served himself a small bowl eventhough he had earlier swore that he ain't gonna eat.

Now...I've got another problem. I've got the following ingredients in my fridge :
  • Kaffir lime leaves
  • 2 stalk of lemongrass
  • Chilli boh
  • Tamarind
  • Lots of peeled onions (bought in the market a week ago)
  • 2 big onions

So again, with all of the above ingredients + a packet of ikan bilis which I bought during my last trip to Kuantan, I've decided to cook Sambal Ikan 10.05pm. Yes.... that's exactly what I did. I reckon I've been a little over ambitious with the tamarind juice, hence a tad too sour. I normally don't use lemongrass or kaffir lime leave when I cook sambal ikan bilis but I gotta get rid of these 2 ingredients otherwise they're gonna end up in the land of dustbin.

The pictures not perfect but oh man.. I'm don't wanna climb up to get his camera.

So, the next question is.....whose gonna eat the Rice Wine Chicken and Sambal Ikan Bilis I just cook at this ungodly hour? My colleagues of course... that'll be my lunch tomorrow and part of their lunch too.