I guess I didn't tell you about the bean paste maker I bought from i-chef. Yea.. bought that one day earlier than the steamer pot. I had wanted to make my own soya bean drink for a long long time and while looking for a steamer pot, I was introduced to this bean paste maker which is able to make soya bean and paste dessert. The best part is this maker not only blends the ingredients in it, it helps to boil them as well. The whole idea of this machine is to make one's life easier. So with this recipe, I soaked all the ingredients a day earlier : black glutionous rice, black sesame, a little white sesame and buckwheat. The following morning, I strained all the ingredients, poured them into the machine, fill up the water to the indicated level and pushed the start button. While the machine was doing its job of boiling, blending and cooking, I showered, brushed my teeth, did my face and changed to my working clothes. When I came down about 25 mins later, hey presto, the paste was done and that was my breakfast in office. Marvellous.
OMG, U made this alreay. I bought the sesame but haven't fried them yet, that's why I haven't made this one. No need to fry the sesame first? I bought over 10 different kinds of beans and grains, now just let my maid mix whatever for the morning...Jiun
Jiun... I made this like more than 5 times already since I bought it !!No need to fry anything, for Christ's sake. Just soak them for few hours or overnight. I never follow the recipe. I just throw in whatever I like. I even made corn with baby rolled oats ! Oh.. I added oats or peanuts to the sesame and black glutinuous rice too.
oh, Juin, I bought 5 colorful beans. Will make this and show u soon.
Hi Rachel,
was searching the web for ichef rice paste maker recipe & stumbled upon your blog. Is your machine also rice paste maker? if the same, do u care to share the recipe as i have the machine without any instruciton & its sitting in my kitchen as my display unit.
I can be contacted on my email :- georicky@gmail.com
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